An independent feature film written and directed by Jonathan Tazewell made at Kenyon College with his students, friends, and colleagues.

Civil disobedience erupts on a small college campus over the planned speech by a conservation and controversial speaker and the dilemma it creates for a young professor and her students.

Is free speech free if it denies others their fundamental rights?

This ­story is a drama about Valerie Martin, a young college professor of African­-American descent, who works at Sedalia College, a small midwestern liberal arts school. When the college’s invitation to a controversial conservative speaker, Jacob Spinner, threatens to divide the campus, Val is pressured into introducing the speaker and serving as the public face of the event.

Val is pitted against her student, Trey Martin, who becomes the voice of the campus in objection to the speaker. When Val discovers that trying to keep everyone happy may cost her more than she is willing to lose, she chooses a side.


Jonathan Tazewell

Writer, director and actor for film and theater.

Previous film credits include his original short films, Breezewood, The Green Door, The Price of Betrayal, Who's Passing for Who. He teaches film and theater at Kenyon College where has has also directed over 25 stage productions.

Directors Statement

I believe in the power of story to change the world. I see the movie screen as a mirror reflecting our lives back at us, teaching us empathy and compassion. The stories I tell highlight the experiences of the underrepresented that in sharing these we might find greater understanding with each other.

Upcoming Dates


Wed, February 24

Kenyon College
College of Wooster
